Get Better Quality Lighting and Save Energy, All With Less Maintenance and Lower Costs
Lighting retrofits allows for savings of up to 85% hydro use. In addition, get a government rebate (incentive rebate) in order to cover some of the lighting upgrade expenses.
After a free lighting assessment our team will calculate how much energy can be saved and how much of the lighting retrofit costs will be covered by the government. We have helped countless clients in getting their rebates and understand the regulatory environment. Our team of insured and licensed master electricians will complete the work to code to be eligible for the incentives.
With our expertise we are sure to provide you with the best lighting solution that will maximize your rebate from the government.
The process of replacing legacy lighting systems (e.g. HID/fluorescent) with new and more energy efficient lighting is simple and easy with Lighting Solutions. Advancements in lighting technology in the past 15 years have made it possible to reduce monthly hydro costs up to 85% by installing energy efficient LED lighting systems. Energy savings calculated over time will be significant enough to pay for the new equipment as well as producing a return on investment by monthly savings.
There are many reasons why businesses retrofit their lighting systems. The main reason in most cases is the fact that businesses can reduce their monthly hydro costs up to 85%. Additionally regional hydro companies in Ontario will issue financial rebates for eligible lighting projects. Most projects managed by Lighting Solutions will see a ROI between 6 months to 2 years depending on size and specific project requirements.